There should be legal limits to land expropriation and eminent domain actions by local government. 应从法律上限制地方政府的征地数量和征地行为。
Thought it might lead back to your eminent domain murder. 可能与你的征用权谋杀案有关。
This right is called eminent domain. 这种就是所谓的征用权。
As a core of eminent domain, compensation relies mostly on the control of all kinds of evidence. 补偿作为行政征用的核心要素,其实现依赖于对各种补偿证据的把握。
Under modern enterprise system, the property relationship character makes the eminent domain and administration that Party organization has lose in the non-public enterprises. 在现代企业制度下,在非公企业中,产权关系的性质使党组织失去了在公有制企业中对经济资源的支配权和行政处置权。
In America, eminent domain is confined by the Fifth Amendment of Constitution, which means a just compensation is needed. 在美国,国家征用权的行使受宪法第五修正案的制约,即必须对被征用人作出适当补偿。
Agricultural-district laws adopted in several states involve combinations of the powers of taxation, spending, and eminent domain. 在一些州实施的农业区域法已经把纳税权、经营权和国家征用权结合在一起了。
A typical exercise of the eminent domain power occurs when the state takes private property in order to build a highway. 当州为了建立高速公路而征收私人财产,一类国家征用权的执行权发生了。
The takings clause mediates between the police power and the eminent domain power. 征收条款是在警察权有偿取得财产权的调和。
Eminent domain has traditionally been limited to the taking of land for public uses like roads, schools or bridges. 征用权以前局限于公用,如修建道路、校或桥梁。
Protection of Collective-owned Land Property and Misery Index of Eminent Domain 集体所有土地产权保护与征地痛苦指数
In the course of land eminent domain, the protection of the property right of the citizens should be maintained in the legislative, administrative and judicial practice. 应尽快在立法、行政和司法实践中解决好征地、拆迁过程中公民财产权利的保护问题。
Study on the System of Administrative Eminent Domain of Forest Rights Reform in Collective Forest Area, South China 南方集体林区林权改革之行政征用制度研究
Fully understanding the conception and the characteristic of eminent domain is the basis to establish the legal system. 厘清行政征用的概念、特征是建立行政征用制度的前提和基础。
Part three is the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of land eminent domain. 我国土地征收制度利弊的分析。
The fourth amended of China Constitution has consummated the institution of property eminent domain. 财产的征用制度历来被视为重大的宪法问题。我国现行宪法的第四个修正案进一步完善了我国的财产征用制度。
The bound between Administrative Eminent Domain and Citizens 'Property Rights& Public Interest 行政征用权与公民财产权的界限&公共利益
The results indicate that the local governments misuse the land eminent domain to seek for their own interests. The farmers 'behavior under the lower compensation criteria brings about the higher external costs for governments, enterprises and society and results in the inefficient land expropriation system. 研究结果:地方政府滥用征地权是追求自身利益最大化的结果,低标准补偿下农户行为给政府、企业、社会带来了较高的外在成本,导致征地效率损失。
Public Interest is the important principle in acquisition, and the basic instrument controlling eminent domain power. 公共利益原则是不动产征收中的重要原则,也是规制征收权的基本手段。
Research on the Right of Eminent Domain of Land of Our Government 我国政府土地征用权研究
Learning from the theories of other countries, public domain includes two classes-for Official use or for public use, which are restricted by the purpose made by public law, in particular by the eminent domain. 借鉴各国的公产法理论,公产主要包括公务用公产与公众用公产两类,它们受公法通过命名所确定的目的性约束,尤其受公产支配权的约束。
However, the fact that the source of property expropriation system lies in eminent domain is not widely and theoretically covered. 然而,对财产征收制度的权源即国家征收权却很少有学者予以足够的理论关注。
Eminent domain legislation our country is mainly scattered among the various special regulations, our Constitution provides for the principle given administrative expropriation, and other separate regulations in their respective areas according to their own situation, the administration made the corresponding provisions of expropriation. 目前我国行政征用立法主要是散见各个单行法规之中,我国宪法对行政征用给予了原则性规定,其他单行法规在各自领域根据自身的情况,对行政征用做了相应的规定。
From the perspective administrative law, this passage analyses some problems in the eminent domain, and pose some idea on the norm of charge. 本文从行政法学的角度,分析了行政征收中的一些问题,并提出了一些规范征收的设想。
The basic premise of eminent domain is based on the public interest need, is for the benefit of the measures, the social practice can realize the harmonious development of the society and the individual. 行政征用的基本前提是基于公共利益的需要,是为民谋福利之举措,这种社会实践更能实现社会与个体的和谐发展。
Government which takes private property has to meet three legal conditions, which are public interest, just compensation and due process, and which are called three conditions of eminent domain by this paper. 政府对私有财产实行征收必须得满足公共利益、合理补偿和正当程序三个法律要件,本文称之为征收三要件。
Under the Eminent Domain, the hold out problem of land acquisition and demolition has become a difficult problem in the process of urbanization. 在现有征收体制下,征地拆迁中的抵制问题己成为城市化过程中面临的突出难题。
Urban Eminent Domain is a hot issue particularly concerned by society at present. The conflict between the public power and private rights is the focus of the problem. 城市房屋征收问题是目前我国社会尤为关注的热点问题,其中的公权和私权的冲突更是问题的焦点。
However, the implementation of urban Eminent Domain results in many problems, and the conflict between public power and private rights is the core issue. 但房屋征收的实施也带来了许多问题,公权和私权的冲突便是其中的核心问题。